I made several mistakes that I learned from over time.
#Mistake 1 - not having a clear trading plan and not sticking to it. I also made the mistake of using too much leverage, which increased my risk of significant losses.
#Mistake 2- I also failed to properly manage my risk, leading to some poorly-informed trades. Additionally, I often made emotional rather than logical trading decisions.
These mistakes helped me learn and grow as a trader, and I now have a better understanding of how to avoid them in the future.
#Mistake 1 - not having a clear trading plan and not sticking to it. I also made the mistake of using too much leverage, which increased my risk of significant losses.
#Mistake 2- I also failed to properly manage my risk, leading to some poorly-informed trades. Additionally, I often made emotional rather than logical trading decisions.
These mistakes helped me learn and grow as a trader, and I now have a better understanding of how to avoid them in the future.