Good Set for TSR 2018
MM = on
Balance = 30%
SL = 145.0
TP = 20
Lot Mode 2 for beginning and when are no news set 1 sometimes, depends on the market conditions
but never do 2 if big 1 Lots are still open,...this modes have to be used very carefully with both eyes open!!!
Manage Lot = as high as your deposit (risky!) ; and as high as your deposit x4 (safe!)
FixLot = 0.01(Mode 1) ; or ; 0.01 per 100€ (Mode 2) 0.01 per 1000€ (very safe)
Range = 25
Level Max = 5
DiMarti = 1.2
Filter by events = True (if avaliable)
(The rest of settings in default)