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tripling deposit per week in 3 stages
The essence of the project in the following:
1-recorded history (2-3 days), 2-chased by the tester (half day), 3-put up on trades (2 days).
Total to double-triple the deposit you only need 1-2 week.
fears: profit closed, but the market stayed open orders with negative profit
exit 1: overstay minus and wait until the robot itself does not close them for profit (tested on own account is a maximum 1-2 of the week)
exit 2: close the what to eat with a minus, citing the fact that the total profit loss more
question: could your overstay minus?
answer: Yes, because two days of constant earnings
And all of this becomes possible only in the case of compliance with the rules that are specified in the test instructions or I'll give you a quote:
rule 1: leverage more 100
rule 2: digits after the point: any (tracer is updated - JUST SET: MINIMAL LAG FOR GAP=5, MINIMAL LAG FOR STATIC GAP=7)
rule 3: do not run other trades on the current account until the Origin expiration date (2 days)
rule 4: after the tester that "ORIGIN is ready", it will be necessary to run the tracer with the found parameters in the #PROFESSIONAL MODE=1 and only after 6-10 consecutive successful launches Tester, you can use ready Origin-files for trading on your account.
Note: If the 6-10 consecutive successful launches have failed to achieve, while in mode #PROFESSIONAL MODE = 1, mark the following variables step their future changes from minus, then specify the #PROFESSIONAL parameter MODE value 0 and wait until the tester finds profits by picking up the following parameters:
Note: parameter ++ CRUSER LOT INCREASE this value can range from-0.01 to-0.5 on your discretion for the remaining options, any other step value can vary from -1 to-200 at your discretion.
question: How do we know that everything happens the way it should?
answer: the "experts" tab after you exit the #PROFESSIONAL MODE you should see the message:
"additional instructions are found at the stage exit <#PROFESSIONAL> mode" - If so, then you must exit from tracer (software freak), i.e. Enter "-9999" in the variable "__refresh_now" and then restart the Tracer_SN.ex4 in the autocontinue mode, provided that the value "PROFESSIONAL MODE [0/1]=0" from file CONFIG_SN.txt (otherwise, it will be necessary to equate to zero before the next launch of the tester).
question: what will happen if you do not perform "software freak"?
answer: the tester will not be able to find a profit (I remember a similar case with the USDZAR currency)
question: what if the tester will not find anything anyway?
answer: get another currency because current (problematic) pair need time to update history for the next attempt (this is approximately 1-2 days).
If you think about it, how does a trading system or strategy and who prevents you to trade continuously, not just any session or there in the morning with 8 to 10 who imposes on you these restrictions? How can I "take all movement" with the Forex market?
Any trading system or strategy is a result of market surveillance: examines the history and on the basis of this choice trading engine (defined by the foot, offset, profits, market entry condition, etc.). My project allows coming up with a trade strategy for 2-12 hours.
My project consists of 3-x programs:
First, it's "Exporter_SN.ex4"-a trading robot (exporter) that runs in the trading terminal (put a tick "Import DLL"), which will trade, account type is any, leverage: 200. The name of the expert ("Exporter_SN.ex4"), the author advises to change for any other reason: broker parses name expert, running in the trading terminal and sometimes goes as follows: disconnect from the server modem hangs, restarts the computer etc.). This expert in the terminal when it starts looking for file "q_result_SYM.lag" and if it finds it, it displays the contents of all variables in the "experts"-folder and then throughout the lengthy work analyzes price fluctuations and when need to send trade team to trade the robot "Receiver_SN.ex4" through the working folder "C:\q_Signals" or via global variables (F3) and (simultaneously with market analysis) writes the current time and price fluctuations in the files: SYM.ASK, SYM.BID, SYM.DAT.
The second program is a trading robot "Receiver_SN.ex4"-with regard to the title, the rules are exactly the same as in the case of "Exporter_SN.ex4". Runs the trading robot in the same trading terminal "Exporter_SN.ex4" on the same currency pair in a separate tab (window) for this to work correctly, the robot need to booth Origin-files in the \files folder: "q_result_SYM.lag" and "q_CRAZY_SYM.lag";
The third program is the tick history tester "Tracer_SN.ex4" which makes no sense to rename and that you should run only in the old terminal (installation version), but if you compile and run it in the new terminal, on the stage of its work, there will be some deviation from the proper (normal) work. For the normal running of the tester requires a file "tracer_SN.dmp" under the \files folder, which you can get (/Decree) by running the tester in your trading terminal (where you trade) at the ...
And now in simple words: this is a "Sniper"
P.S.: there's another new name for this system (with the included modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Carrier"
What carry passengers: - the answer to this question is directly proportional to your initial deposit (account balance):
car: 100
micro bus: 500
bus: 1000
subway: 10000
airliner: 25000
train: 50000
sea cruiser: 100000
P.S.: there are times when the trade account balance increases and as a result, you automatically get a new transport
for the full trading robot (or automatic trading system), you must first gain the maximum number of passengers that means creating some lucrative orders, and if free margin ends, then it means only one: can you go. Before transport are different nuances:
1. passenger changed his mind to go
2. destination suddenly changed
either of the two above options means only one thing: we have to release the passengers, paying him a penalty, that the language of the Forex market means to close an unprofitable warrant returned yourself mortgage funds (increase the free margin), and only after all the capricious passengers will be issued in payment of them penalties, we can recruit the "right" instead of them passengers and hit the road.
At the end of the path have to chauffeur passengers transport calculation that depends on the mass of the passengers (lot) and the length of the path (pips). And so it goes on continuously until the market does not go away in 2 days a week.
P.S.: there's another new name for this system (subject to the inclusion of modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Baker"
To start the define symbols:
iron sheet for baking - account balance
dough - just open market order
cookies - profit order
- Tester automatically determines condition correct trade and a minimum level of free margin, which has allowed to bake in a mold, which may not be all 100% full (otherwise executed Orange stripe).
Full Project: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /6zcnvpkf1qzi (link is renew! - fixed Tracer)
Demo: 2090270826
investor pass.: hrNMM2ffQ9
historical files for EURUSD and USDZAR: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /lonspth9eff2
E-Mail: (in the subject put: "ROBOT" or "DEMO")
cost: 100$
Make this option: "LOT SIZE IN PERCENT MIN [2.6...998]" more-it is in the file "CONFIG_SN.txt"
now not Tester switches to variable "MAXIMUM ORDERS" subject "parameter LOCK activity CHANGE ORDERS [0/1]=1" from file "CONFIG_SN.txt", also by default now active program for finding profit
h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /u15jwso12nsv (link renew at 09.06.2019)
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)
see also Tracer_SN in to main server attachments
The essence of the project in the following:
1-recorded history (2-3 days), 2-chased by the tester (half day), 3-put up on trades (2 days).
Total to double-triple the deposit you only need 1-2 week.
fears: profit closed, but the market stayed open orders with negative profit
exit 1: overstay minus and wait until the robot itself does not close them for profit (tested on own account is a maximum 1-2 of the week)
exit 2: close the what to eat with a minus, citing the fact that the total profit loss more
question: could your overstay minus?
answer: Yes, because two days of constant earnings
And all of this becomes possible only in the case of compliance with the rules that are specified in the test instructions or I'll give you a quote:
rule 1: leverage more 100
rule 2: digits after the point: any (tracer is updated - JUST SET: MINIMAL LAG FOR GAP=5, MINIMAL LAG FOR STATIC GAP=7)
rule 3: do not run other trades on the current account until the Origin expiration date (2 days)
rule 4: after the tester that "ORIGIN is ready", it will be necessary to run the tracer with the found parameters in the #PROFESSIONAL MODE=1 and only after 6-10 consecutive successful launches Tester, you can use ready Origin-files for trading on your account.
Note: If the 6-10 consecutive successful launches have failed to achieve, while in mode #PROFESSIONAL MODE = 1, mark the following variables step their future changes from minus, then specify the #PROFESSIONAL parameter MODE value 0 and wait until the tester finds profits by picking up the following parameters:
Note: parameter ++ CRUSER LOT INCREASE this value can range from-0.01 to-0.5 on your discretion for the remaining options, any other step value can vary from -1 to-200 at your discretion.
question: How do we know that everything happens the way it should?
answer: the "experts" tab after you exit the #PROFESSIONAL MODE you should see the message:
"additional instructions are found at the stage exit <#PROFESSIONAL> mode" - If so, then you must exit from tracer (software freak), i.e. Enter "-9999" in the variable "__refresh_now" and then restart the Tracer_SN.ex4 in the autocontinue mode, provided that the value "PROFESSIONAL MODE [0/1]=0" from file CONFIG_SN.txt (otherwise, it will be necessary to equate to zero before the next launch of the tester).
question: what will happen if you do not perform "software freak"?
answer: the tester will not be able to find a profit (I remember a similar case with the USDZAR currency)
question: what if the tester will not find anything anyway?
answer: get another currency because current (problematic) pair need time to update history for the next attempt (this is approximately 1-2 days).
If you think about it, how does a trading system or strategy and who prevents you to trade continuously, not just any session or there in the morning with 8 to 10 who imposes on you these restrictions? How can I "take all movement" with the Forex market?
Any trading system or strategy is a result of market surveillance: examines the history and on the basis of this choice trading engine (defined by the foot, offset, profits, market entry condition, etc.). My project allows coming up with a trade strategy for 2-12 hours.
My project consists of 3-x programs:
First, it's "Exporter_SN.ex4"-a trading robot (exporter) that runs in the trading terminal (put a tick "Import DLL"), which will trade, account type is any, leverage: 200. The name of the expert ("Exporter_SN.ex4"), the author advises to change for any other reason: broker parses name expert, running in the trading terminal and sometimes goes as follows: disconnect from the server modem hangs, restarts the computer etc.). This expert in the terminal when it starts looking for file "q_result_SYM.lag" and if it finds it, it displays the contents of all variables in the "experts"-folder and then throughout the lengthy work analyzes price fluctuations and when need to send trade team to trade the robot "Receiver_SN.ex4" through the working folder "C:\q_Signals" or via global variables (F3) and (simultaneously with market analysis) writes the current time and price fluctuations in the files: SYM.ASK, SYM.BID, SYM.DAT.
The second program is a trading robot "Receiver_SN.ex4"-with regard to the title, the rules are exactly the same as in the case of "Exporter_SN.ex4". Runs the trading robot in the same trading terminal "Exporter_SN.ex4" on the same currency pair in a separate tab (window) for this to work correctly, the robot need to booth Origin-files in the \files folder: "q_result_SYM.lag" and "q_CRAZY_SYM.lag";
The third program is the tick history tester "Tracer_SN.ex4" which makes no sense to rename and that you should run only in the old terminal (installation version), but if you compile and run it in the new terminal, on the stage of its work, there will be some deviation from the proper (normal) work. For the normal running of the tester requires a file "tracer_SN.dmp" under the \files folder, which you can get (/Decree) by running the tester in your trading terminal (where you trade) at the ...
And now in simple words: this is a "Sniper"
P.S.: there's another new name for this system (with the included modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Carrier"
What carry passengers: - the answer to this question is directly proportional to your initial deposit (account balance):
car: 100
micro bus: 500
bus: 1000
subway: 10000
airliner: 25000
train: 50000
sea cruiser: 100000
P.S.: there are times when the trade account balance increases and as a result, you automatically get a new transport
for the full trading robot (or automatic trading system), you must first gain the maximum number of passengers that means creating some lucrative orders, and if free margin ends, then it means only one: can you go. Before transport are different nuances:
1. passenger changed his mind to go
2. destination suddenly changed
either of the two above options means only one thing: we have to release the passengers, paying him a penalty, that the language of the Forex market means to close an unprofitable warrant returned yourself mortgage funds (increase the free margin), and only after all the capricious passengers will be issued in payment of them penalties, we can recruit the "right" instead of them passengers and hit the road.
At the end of the path have to chauffeur passengers transport calculation that depends on the mass of the passengers (lot) and the length of the path (pips). And so it goes on continuously until the market does not go away in 2 days a week.
P.S.: there's another new name for this system (subject to the inclusion of modes "CRAZY TRADE MODE" and "MG Engine"): "Baker"
To start the define symbols:
iron sheet for baking - account balance
dough - just open market order
cookies - profit order
- Tester automatically determines condition correct trade and a minimum level of free margin, which has allowed to bake in a mold, which may not be all 100% full (otherwise executed Orange stripe).
Full Project: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /6zcnvpkf1qzi (link is renew! - fixed Tracer)
Demo: 2090270826
investor pass.: hrNMM2ffQ9
historical files for EURUSD and USDZAR: h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /lonspth9eff2
E-Mail: (in the subject put: "ROBOT" or "DEMO")
cost: 100$
Make this option: "LOT SIZE IN PERCENT MIN [2.6...998]" more-it is in the file "CONFIG_SN.txt"
now not Tester switches to variable "MAXIMUM ORDERS" subject "parameter LOCK activity CHANGE ORDERS [0/1]=1" from file "CONFIG_SN.txt", also by default now active program for finding profit
h t t p s : / / t u s f i l e s . c o m /u15jwso12nsv (link renew at 09.06.2019)
(please remove the "space" symbol from upper link)
see also Tracer_SN in to main server attachments
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