The answer for your question would be Yes and No. By default it is using Martingale method. However, if you set the mulitipler value to 0, then there won't be any Martingale strategy used anymore. But the thing is, just for your info that I myself have tried that method before in the past by setting the multiplier to 0 to turn off the Martingale strategy. The bad thing was that this EA kept placing so many trades (up to 15 trades!) and still can't even help to recover my previous lost trades, instead in the end it blew up my account because of too many opening trades which my margin became too low and unable to hold up all the opening trades.
Therefore, my advice for you or anyone else is not to set the multiplier to 0. By doing so, not only that you are not helping to minimize your risks, instead you are increasing your risks because the EA can't recover all your losses easily but instead it will keep placing lots of trades until it managed to recover your losses, which could end up like me of blowing up my account with 15 trades opening. Question is, what multiplier value should you set for this EA? Well, for me I set it to 1.5. By doing so, the EA won't need to open too many trades and therefore it is able to recover sooner. In my experience of using multiplier value of 1.5, the maximum number of trades that I saw opened was around 6 - 8 trades. But, for your better safety, you need to watch out for the account balance and the lot size that you use. If you use $1000 balance with a standard account, your lot size should be 0.01 lot and not 0.1 lot or else you could easily blow up your account pretty soon. If you don't have $1000 but only $100, then you need to use a Cent account to turn your $100 into 10000 cents and use a lot size of 0.1 for your trading so that you would be as safe as using 0.01 lot for a $1000 standard account. These are just my experience and info to share. Hope that helps. Wish you all the best in your tests. Whatever you do, please try to be safe (learn to manage your risks) and stay safe at all times. Take care and God bless.