Many of you here contacted me here and some on Telegram asking about the details of the EA, I told most of you the its a trend trading EA with hidden SL, and can take on an account as little as $50, but majority here blasted me, insulted me, called me scam. I actually take no offence in that anyway. So I then decided to even go low, by opening an account with $13 deposit (lower than the acclaimed $50) so I'll post the investor access to this account, once every month.
But just for clarification for those calling me scam is why I'm posting now. I'll be changing the password before the EA takes another trade (can't allow you insult me and still go ahead to use my trades for signals

I promised 90% monthly but fortunately it's not a month yet, but we've made more than 100% on this little account.
Here are the details:
Server: Fbs Real-3
Login: 230702895
Password: SmartPips001
NB: the password is Capital "S" and capital "P"
And for those who gave me account to trade and later ran away with the profits, congratulations and I hope you're able to achieve your dreams with those profits? Humans are never grateful!
For those of you tagging me a scam, I have no words for you. Please don't stop calling me scam because it motivates me to do more, such as I did with this $13 account. If not you, I wouldn't have done that
PS: Investor password will be changed later on, and will be reposted every month ends. I hope you enjoy seeing us grow!
Those making inquiry for learning the strategy, I'm sorry for not answering that yet. I'm not being rude or proud, I'm just afraid to let the strategy out yet and if I would, it would be for someone I believe wouldn't betrayed like some did in the past.
Happy Trading!