Me and my friends spent few weeks trying to make sebri ea work.
We runned the last version of the ea and the last setfile from november 2022. We tried different brokers, cent and live account.
We also used exactly same broker as the author Coinexx with Live account and we got the best vps possible.
VPS has to be based in Amsterdam and with good provider, because this is where coinexx Live-servers are. You will get a ping of around 9ms (can not get lower with coinexx).
So eventhoug we had exactly same as author (same ea, same settings, same broker, mt4 speed optimised, best connection ping possible) it does not work. It is loosing after few weeks on live account test. If someone has a the new version and new setfile can send me and I will test it again with all same conditions to see if it really works (which I doubt about it)