One more thing about the currency pairs, for me I only used GBPUSD, GBPJPY and AUDUSD for the trading as another trader has shared his opinion that these 3 pairs seemed like performing quite well and safe in his previous tests of using this EA. I have actually created the preset and shared all my settings together with the preset in another channel. Having said that however, bear in mind that there's no guarantee that my preset or anyone's preset would work well under all types of market conditions. That goes the same with the choices of choosing whatever currency pairs of your preference, I think any currency pairs could possibly become very risky at any point of time. Therefore, make any decision you wish to and use any preset you like at your own risks. Whatever you do, just try to stay safe and not get greedy by using settings that are too risky for your accounts. One example of that would be to use a very large lot size for a very small account such as 0.01 lot for $100 standard account, that in my understanding would immediately put yourself in huge risks. It's that simple.
Anyone interested in testing out my settings and/or preset, please feel free to check it out through this link :
All the best and take good everyone, God bless and be safe.