I use just the default settings... TF:30M and 0.01 Lot every 1000 $ Equiti, 2 Pairs (more Pairs if Balance is over 3000$). More Lot then 0.01 @ 1000 balance means more risk. Have just Blown my (just demo) account when I tried 0,1 for 1000$ balance... Has really Low DD, but on some day (for example 07. Dec. 2020) had about 80 % DD on my Demoaccount.. just for few Hours (then all was ok + big winn).
1000 $ is the suggested min balance (lev: 500)... so if you able to put (FAST) more money (temporanely if your DD is to BIG) on your account... you can also use a bigger lotsize (double or tripple). As I sayd DD is very very LOW (but on bad days can be big, but surely not for a long time).