I tested this with the one I found on forexcracked.com. On demo with 10k depo running on eur/usd and gbp/usd. Even the ea is made for eur/usd, it works really well on gbp as well. After 10 days, it made 1.5k profit. It makes a lot of losses too but it how it works, it compensated for the losses with win. there is nothing like this on the market. I have put it on live account 2 days ago, it made 78$ each day with 500$ depo. Just can't tell how it works but it somehow can predict the market and buys when the other EAs sell at the same time? Its version 18. I think the one on Mt5 market is v20. He is working on v21 and v22 just now. Once I made enough capital, I will buy it I think. This guy is a math wiz and controls everyone's robot over the net.