Formal education like a degree or a diploma course of Forex Education is not offered till now by any university across the globe. However CFA or Chartered Financial Accounting is a certification course which covers many aspects of finance that finds lot of use in Forex trading too. It covers topics like ethics, corporate finance, portfolio management, economics, quantitative methods, financial reporting and analysis etc. Most of the Forex trading broker houses and other related firms do look for CFA certification for various job profiles. If you are looking forward for such firms then getting a CFA will be good idea.
Though CFA covers many topics related to Forex trading, but all these are generalised topics and do not focus from the point of view of trading. CFA certification can enhance your understanding about Forex trading but it cannot be the ladder for successful trade entry. For that purpose there are many mentors available online who can give training focused mainly on forex trading. Though they do not give any certification to you but they can train you for successful career as a forex trader. These mentors can play a crucial role in not only kick starting your trading career but they can also help you in sustaining in the market and do long term trading.
How a mentor can be useful for the Forex traders?
Ø As a beginner you will certainly be diving in unknown waters of Forex market. You will come across n number of charts and terms that will seem to be alien for you. A mentor will not only interpret all those things for you but will also make you understand what it is all about.
Ø A mentor can make you aware of the various resources available to you for Forex trading. They can also suggest the use of the resources from time to time.
Ø Patience and timing are the key virtues of Forex trading and that can be easily taught by the mentor. When you do wrong buying or selling due to excitement or anticipation, mentor is the one who can hold you back and give right suggestions.
Ø A mentor is the person who will hold your hands when the water is rough and time is tough. No one is an overnight winner in Forex trading and your frustration can be handled well by a mentor.
Though CFA covers many topics related to Forex trading, but all these are generalised topics and do not focus from the point of view of trading. CFA certification can enhance your understanding about Forex trading but it cannot be the ladder for successful trade entry. For that purpose there are many mentors available online who can give training focused mainly on forex trading. Though they do not give any certification to you but they can train you for successful career as a forex trader. These mentors can play a crucial role in not only kick starting your trading career but they can also help you in sustaining in the market and do long term trading.
How a mentor can be useful for the Forex traders?
Ø As a beginner you will certainly be diving in unknown waters of Forex market. You will come across n number of charts and terms that will seem to be alien for you. A mentor will not only interpret all those things for you but will also make you understand what it is all about.
Ø A mentor can make you aware of the various resources available to you for Forex trading. They can also suggest the use of the resources from time to time.
Ø Patience and timing are the key virtues of Forex trading and that can be easily taught by the mentor. When you do wrong buying or selling due to excitement or anticipation, mentor is the one who can hold you back and give right suggestions.
Ø A mentor is the person who will hold your hands when the water is rough and time is tough. No one is an overnight winner in Forex trading and your frustration can be handled well by a mentor.