It's not profitable on the real account, because all brokers have plugins to fight you and your scalper!!!
The plugins can generate slippage, latency, spread...... and requotes.
It's not profitable on the real account, because all brokers have plugins to fight you and your scalper!!!
The plugins can generate slippage, latency, spread...... and requotes.
I give you the famous EA by creator Panik of a former closed forum which I will not mention here. But here is a famous EA many people were looking for after he no longer shared his code by locking access to the EA by imposing and expiry date.
Fortunately I have the code here fully unlocked for version 1.1 of the EA. I have version 1.3 as well but the expiry for 1.3 has not been unlocked only for version 1.1 of the code is currently the active working ea for unlimited use.
I will post both EA's here just in case there is a ex4 to mq4 decompiler wizard out there.
I 've make a better scalper from NN_ScalperEA. FlySystemEA working faster and smoother!!!
You can to find here for free for life time
agree with pannik, scalping EA may looks good as it requires only small capital to start off, but it is easily being marked by brokers as they just need to widen the spread, setup plugin to delay the execution, slippage, and ur EA is screwed
Can this Ea stop trading when certain markets enter certain timing due to the spread difference.
Example if aussie market is low in trading, spread increase by at least 1 pips and could damage the performance of bot