New Member
Hi Folks,
I have on system work well on my accounts and so i started to study other strategies and found some interesting...
The gridtrading, heged!
My idea...
1. Start a grid from 1.0000 to 2.0000 in 10 pips distance, with pending orders. So we are sure that we catch all the price range.
2. The orders should be open in a distance from 10 pips, one long one short, TP is ever 10 pips, SL is ever 5 pips.
3. If price hit, lets say 1.2520, booth opens.
4. Price went up to 1.2533, so we win the long order with 10 pips and lose the short with 5 pips ---> means 5 pips Profit. When the shortorder, opend @ 1.2520, stoped out a new one have to be opened @ 1.2520. Same vice versa!
MEANS: The only time, when @ a 10 pip step is no pending order open, is when the orders are in the market!
Got it?
My thoughts: The only thing that can blow out this system is when the price is ranging between 1.2520 (every time hit new short order opened) and 1,2529 (long order still open because close is @ 1,2530). And this will happen very rarely. This can be avoided if the EA is trading only in the EUR Session (if we use it on €/$
What do u think about it?
The pain is i´m not able to programming such EA´s and the EA Building Sites are also not able to code Grid EA´s
Can somebody here help me?
I have on system work well on my accounts and so i started to study other strategies and found some interesting...
The gridtrading, heged!
My idea...
1. Start a grid from 1.0000 to 2.0000 in 10 pips distance, with pending orders. So we are sure that we catch all the price range.
2. The orders should be open in a distance from 10 pips, one long one short, TP is ever 10 pips, SL is ever 5 pips.
3. If price hit, lets say 1.2520, booth opens.
4. Price went up to 1.2533, so we win the long order with 10 pips and lose the short with 5 pips ---> means 5 pips Profit. When the shortorder, opend @ 1.2520, stoped out a new one have to be opened @ 1.2520. Same vice versa!
MEANS: The only time, when @ a 10 pip step is no pending order open, is when the orders are in the market!
Got it?

My thoughts: The only thing that can blow out this system is when the price is ranging between 1.2520 (every time hit new short order opened) and 1,2529 (long order still open because close is @ 1,2530). And this will happen very rarely. This can be avoided if the EA is trading only in the EUR Session (if we use it on €/$
What do u think about it?
The pain is i´m not able to programming such EA´s and the EA Building Sites are also not able to code Grid EA´s

Can somebody here help me?