Ctrader and ninja trader are trading platforms which uses c# langual whereas mt4 and mt5 uses mql. FIX api used to connect between various technologies and platform
I like more Ctrader, there more advanced information and tools. I can see % and pips. So MT4 and Mt5 doesn't have, so sometimes require add some indicators for see % and pips.
i have seen people review about ctrade. But I just like trading mt4 because of its convenience and familiarity. That is my personal assessment. many people recommend me to use mt5, but at the moment I have no intention of switching to it.
Started trading with MT4. Good for beginners. Also, I agree with @Ardalan that it's good for EA. I switched to Axiory’s cTrader.... comes with many more indicators and timeframes. I like this flexibility, as I use different ones to trade different instruments. Also, I like the backtesting capabilities - on real-time data, which is not available with MT4. Overall, I am happy with the switch. MT4 is a good platform too. I guess, the choice will depend on your trading experience.
I would suggest to use MT5 platform it is very rich in features, have advanced backtesting engine and support of low-latency connections on VPS. I use a free one from BeeksFx offered by Hotforex and get sub 1 ms latency.