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Profitable EA Life Changer EA Full Version

3.10 star(s) 178 Votes
Thanks for the question raised in your feedback. Yes, the EA did take USDJPY trades (a total of 17 USDJPY trades if I'm not mistaken!) and that's why I mentioned earlier that you would all noticed from the one of the screenshots that I shared was showing a whopping maximum drawdown of 34.20% with my demo account. So far it still hasn't blow up this demo account because of the smaller lot size of 0.1 that I set up and used with this $10000 account and futhermore, please be informed that I am also using a 1:1000 very large leverage which helped to prevent it from blowing up when the USDJPY market moved strongly against the account and the EA. Having said that however, sadly speaking that my live account didn't survive through this incident, the reason was simply because I was using a much larger lot size and that obviously was a terrible mistake that I've made. After all the testing that I've done with this EA, now it has come to my conclusion that by using 0.01 lot with $1000 account or 0.1 lot with $10000 account is perhaps the best way to keep the account in a more safer position. Yet still, if your account leverage is too small, say either 1:200 or anything smaller than that, I would think that the chances of blowing your account with this EA is great. In short, it just too dangerous and risky with a small leverage used. That is why I would always strongly encourage and recommend everyone to use a much larger leverage like 1:1000 or so (if possible) for your better safety. The problem is, not every broker offer large leverages. Most of them as far as I know only provide up to 1:500, with a few other do offer 1:1000 or larger depending on where your location is. Correct me if I'm wrong, I was told that traders from EU countries or so may not be allowed to use such a large leverage for their trading accounts. Therefore, for those of you who don't have large leverage used with your trading accounts, then I personally think perhaps this EA may not be that suitable or consider to be safe for your use, or perhaps you may even need to consider to reduce your lot size further or increase your account balance more in order to keep you safer. e.g. 0.01 lot used for $5000 and not $1000, 0.1 lot used for $50000 or more.
I am running the full version of the Life Changer on 16 pairs. I have it on a Cent Account so that the EA has enough room to operate. The initial lot size is 0.01 x each 100 in the balance. Here are some stats for the month of May 2022:

Trades: 300+
Drawdown: 4%
Winrate: 68%
Profit Factor: 3
Gain: 53%

I'm very happy on how things are going.
I am running the full version of the Life Changer on 16 pairs. I have it on a Cent Account so that the EA has enough room to operate. The initial lot size is 0.01 x each 100 in the balance. Here are some stats for the month of May 2022:

Trades: 300+
Drawdown: 4%
Winrate: 68%
Profit Factor: 3
Gain: 53%

I'm very happy on how things are going.
Thanks. 53% gain is surely very impressive. Good job! Would you mind also share with us on your other settings as follow:
Initial Deposit:
Time Frame:
Trailing Stop:
Trailing Step:
Max Trade each side:
Max Pair Trade:
Currency Pair(s) that you attached on your MT4 chart:

Thanks and hope to hear from you further sharing again soon:)
Last edited:
Hi cchong, I have a screenshot of the settings.
As you can see the FixLot is 0.28 because the balance now is 28.000 (on a cent account), which is 0.01 for every 1000 in the balance.
I do not have access to the code unfortunately; so, I change the lots manually every time it goes up 1000 more.

LC settings.png
Hi cchong, I have a screenshot of the settings.
As you can see the FixLot is 0.28 because the balance now is 28.000 (on a cent account), which is 0.01 for every 1000 in the balance.
I do not have access to the code unfortunately; so, I change the lots manually every time it goes up 1000 more.

View attachment 20735
Thanks a lot for the screenshot. Wish you all the best then. Take care and God bless:)(y)
Hey everyone, I just wish you wouldn’t make fun of people in this place.
We’re all here for a common purpose and we try and help each other as we can.
Mutual respect should be everyone’s priority.
One word of caution everyone … this bot uses grid and martingale; so, please use a cent account and reduce the number of pairs if your balance is not great.
I’m available if you need hints on how to manage it to make it last.
One word of caution everyone … this bot uses grid and martingale; so, please use a cent account and reduce the number of pairs if your balance is not great.
I’m available if you need hints on how to manage it to make it last.
Well said. Yes, agreed that using a cent account would be much safer for account balance smaller than $10000 in my opinion. :giggle:
Good Day

Trader here from South Africa. I have been in the markets for 3.5 years. I first stumbled upon the Life changer EA when I was starting out trading. Like any newbie trader you read and see different things on the internet whilst trying to grasp the trading concepts. I also fell into the scam group that got sold this robot by someone named Queen something. The robot worked but after few months stopped working. At that point in time it didn't really make sense to me why. I then started educating myself on how trading robots works etc. and soon realized it was a trial version that subsequently lapsed. Months passed by and I was basically teaching myself how to trade after few failed attempts with mentors. Obviously being a newbie trader you lose more money then you make. I one day pulled the trading history of the robot. I keep all my records even until this day. After analyzing the data I realized the robot actually made a profit. I was shocked as I never looked at the data. I tried for few months to try and get it working but to no avail. As soon as meta trader gets updated trial robots wont ever work especially after a certain build update. I then gave up on the robot and kept trading manually. Just going through the motions of learning forex trading.

In 2021 I decided again to look for a full version of this robot. Now knowing how robots work etc. I then stumbled upon a full version by pure luck. I then started testing it on demo accounts. You can't back test this EA through a simulator as I wont work correctly. I ran for months on demo account on few different brokers available to us in South Africa. Nowhere I was able to find videos or any sort of information on how to effectively setup this EA. All I knew was this thing does work but like anything in life it will have its limitations. I basically played around with different settings. Added more pairs to the currency list. Took pairs out. I let the robot run on high impact news. I did extensive testing on it. Really putting it through its paces.

I then looked at the data again. Certain days it will make good solid trades with good gains other days it will lose a lot of money and totally go Ape shit. I kept it running for months. To see how it does ROI wise. I also made sure to check when there is high impact news like NFP, FOMC, etc. how does the EA react to these fundamentals. A lot of times there will be good volume with fundamentals but it does bring volatility in to play. And usually volatility brings a lot of spikes and wick hunt's. a few times the EA will open so many trades because of the impact of the news that I will take up to two days for it to eventually close out in a small profit. So the drawdown factor was a real concern. This EA does advise 0.01 per every 1000usd in your account. I eventually realized why that recommendation is so. ultimately like manual trading you want to manage risk. Newbie traders never manage risk within their first 2 to 2.5 years of trading and a lot never realized this and give up. So with this EA managing the drawdown is the main objective. I tested on and off through 2021. left it alone start off 2022 and then about two months ago I decide again to look at the EA.

I ran the EA on a live account. What I can say is this EA does work. Yes it does. My observations to date and basically what I am doing now is the following. I can only assume this EA applies of combinations of forex technical analyses to do what it does.

- I tested it on multiple brokers. International and Local brokers available in South Africa. It works on all. On some better than others but realized that its works best on account that offers very low or zero spreads. When I ran the EA on broker account with zero spread and account with low spreads on another account. The zero spread account out performed the low spreads account. Because trades would Hit TP on the zero spread account and then on the low spread account makes a pullback then the EA starts opening more positions to mitigate or hedge the risk. Eventually the trades will hit TP on the low spreads account. But if you over leveraging on your low spread account it will go into big drawdown before hitting TP.

-Lot size is important. 0.01 for every 1000usd in your trading account. This allows you to handle the drawdown if or when the EA has to open more trades. This setting is very important. If you decide to deviate from this in order to make profits quicker you will blow your account to pieces. It will only take that one trade for it to run in draw down the you can kiss all your profits bye bye.

-The multiplier setting goes hand in hand with lot size. If you leave it at 1.11 which default. It will open your 1st trades on 0.01. then if it has to hedge any positions after that it will basically multiply it by 1.11. So the next position it opens will be a 0.02 and then 0.03 depending how many it needs to open to hedge and close out the trades in profit. Very important to not fiddle with this to much.

-Fundamentals the EA handles high impact news fairly well but can on the odd occasion totally go bonkers and just open up positions that can put you in big draw down. It is important to manage this part by either switching it off when you see very high impact news will hit. This way you save yourself the trouble of sweating through any drawdown that might occur because of the news.

-Default Take profit is set to 30pips. This can be left alone as this allows decent amount of profits to made even with a 0.01 lot. Plus most pairs will move up to 30pips on a good day in one move. You can play around with this and make it less or more. I never went more then 30pips. I sometimes set it lower and up the lot on demo to see the effect.

- Stop loss - Default is set to 400. I played around with this making it smaller. But found that a lot the times it will hit SL. Makes a pullback and the continues and hits TP. And also 400 sounds big but no pair besides indices will do 400 pips in one go. So I left this setting default. the 400 allows the EA breathing space to hedge positions if it has to do so.
- Max trades each side is basically telling the robot that It can only open 10 positions both side at one time. depending on what you set it too. default setting is 50. But based off my testing. the most positions I had at one time was 10. And that wasn't even one way. one way meaning either a Buy or a Sell. So leave it on the default setting. What I noticed was if you set it to low maybe two or three. You not allowing the EA to hedge the drawdown quicker. Because now it can only open 3 trades one way. So you will be stuck in that drawdown longer. Where if the setting was maybe 5. It could have closed the positions much quicker. Another thing when it hedges the positions. It will always close in a profit. I only had few instances where it closed out in a small loss.

-Magic number this setting I have always left on default.

-Trailing stop. This is a really nice feature. It allows the robot to trail stop the positions when it starts going into profit. default setting is 12 pips with a step of 1. The step setting is same multiplier. You can tell the EA to trail the stop in different pip increments. I have just left this on default. As it works best this way. What I did notice was on certain pairs the trail stop doesn't kick in. On others It worked perfectly.

-Max Pair trades can leave on default 2 pairs . Allows for some sort of risk management. If you allow it to trade a lot of pairs at once opens you up to draw down.

-Trading time just leave on default setting. I have noticed that on my side the EA will take trades with Japan and Euro/London session cross over. And then again with US open. This works nicely for me. As there is nicely volume incoming when this happens.

- Now the juicy bit. The currency list. This took me a while to figure out based of the testing DATA. On some pairs the EA works splendidly. Yes big word lol. Why splendidly it doesn't go into big draw down. It hits TP with no real issues. But then on other pairs it makes a Total hash brown out of it. Going into big drawdowns. I also tested this EA on indices like NAS100 and US30. Even gold silver and oil. On indices it works. and works well. But on indices your risk is much higher and it eats more into your margin requirements so drawdown will blow a small account to zero very quick. On Gold it made decent profits but some times couldn't handle the volatility and went into big drawdowns. Which eventually closed in profits. On my live account I had two instances where it blew 2 weeks of consistent profit because of two pairs who went into heavy drawdown. So high volatility pairs is a no go for this EA. Don't add gold or silver or any type of commodities. Leave indices out as well. I am still testing the indices to get the perfect settings. What I have noticed on indices with some brokers that offers micro indices the EA doesn't read the name correctly because there is NAS.mic in the name or NAS.z or any other type of letter added onto the name. With some currency pairs it does read it correctly regardless what letter is added. So this EA was solely build to trade currencies. So based off my testing the best currencies to set this EA on is AUDUSD, GBPUSD, GBPJPY. all the other pairs you can remove. These 3 offers the best return. These 3 pairs are very good volume pairs. They move well on daily basis. Some might argue yah but why not the other pairs. Off all the months of testing those 3 pairs was traded the most. USDJPY blew profits on a few occasions. EURAUD went it big drawdowns sometimes for two days. So testing allows you to see what works and what doesn't. Also why do people choose to automate trading is to take out the emotional factor. But if your EA is going into big drawdowns you still have some sort of emotional attachment to it. I also noticed that these were the only pairs that the EA actually trades with the trend and not against it. Because of me having being in the markets so long a lot of times on some pairs I saw it will trade against the trend. Now counter trend trading can be done but opens you up for bigger risk. So for me it was to eliminate all of that and get it to a point where it pulls consistent profits. Small profits with zero or minimal drawdowns. And these 3 pairs offers that. What I have done is to find my sweet spot based of my account size with the correct lot sizing. This allows me to get a consistent 20 - 30usd per day with minimal drawdown.

So final remarks. This is one of the few EA's out there that does work. Yes folks it will give you a consistent daily return if you are patient. Yes like manual trading and learning anything in life. It takes patience and repeatedly working at it. If you patient and don't mind taking small profits daily to build your capital in the long run this is the EA for you. If you want quick returns hit the casino or play lottery. I am yet to run the EA through a VPS. This will be my next thing to test. VPS allows for much quicker execution time. And is very nice option if you working full time and only want to monitor it from you phone and don't want a PC or laptop running constantly at home unattended.

Another thing to note. Ensure you running your MT4 on a reasonably fast laptop or PC with good internet speed. Turn off windows updates. I have noticed that after windows updates the EA wont work or settings goes back to default. on mt4 this EA doesn't like to be added to a chart with other running indicators etc. on it. Make sure when you paste it on one chart that is a clean chart.

So here is my current settings.

Time frame - M15. This time frame works best for EA.
Lot size 0.04 - I am on a 1000usd plus account. Based off my Take profit and the pairs this lot size is safe for my account.
Take profit - 18pips
Stop loss - default 400
Max Trades Each side - 10 (based off my testing as mentioned above)
Trailing stop - 12
Trailing step - 1

This settings gives me a consistent 20 - 30usd daily. With very low or zero drawdown and very good risk management. You can scale your lot size as your account size grows.

Hope this helps you guys and gals. I will give more feedback when I am done testing the indices and have the correct settings. And for the newbie trader. Don't give up on trading. Yes the dynamic has changed because we live in a society where everything is automated. But trading as a skill will allow you things that an ordinary job cant and that is Time Freedom.

Take Care. ;)

Hey @NexusFX, nice feedback, thank you.
Big differences between your settings and mine, but that has to do with the account balance, obviously.
I’m glad it’s working out well for you.

Let’s keep exchanging notes, for everyone’s benefit.
Hey @ermas1

No problem will keep giving updates as I go along. Below this week's profit. This is on a zero spread live account with Exness. Account is in ZAR, my home currency. Deposited just over 600USD. Profits for week around 71 USD. conversion rate R15.82/1 USD highest drawdown I was in was around -20USD. And that didn't happen a lot this week. The 1000usd account made around the same amount of profit. Ran them side by side to see how it performs on different brokers on live account. Only difference is one is zero spread and other account is low spread. Zero spread account TP hits sooner then the low spread account.

Hey @ermas1

No problem will keep giving updates as I go along. Below this week's profit. This is on a zero spread live account with Exness. Account is in ZAR, my home currency. Deposited just over 600USD. Profits for week around 71 USD. conversion rate R15.82/1 USD highest drawdown I was in was around -20USD. And that didn't happen a lot this week. The 1000usd account made around the same amount of profit. Ran them side by side to see how it performs on different brokers on live account. Only difference is one is zero spread and other account is low spread. Zero spread account TP hits sooner then the low spread account.

View attachment 20979
Thank you very much for sharing your experiance and results, i will try your settings on my demo account.

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