what is the most profitable roobot you guys have for small account?
This is supposed to be a simple question but not so with many traders. The problem or challenge for the answer to this question is:. The most "profitable" robot may not necessarily be a safe robot or EA (Expert Advisor). To be honest, there could be tons of so called "profitable" robot or EA out there. Yet most of them don't last long. Many might be able to give you very high profits but could also blow up your account in the matter of weeks, days or even hours. I think what we really need is an EA that not only is profitable but also considered to be safe for long term use. Perhaps please allow me to just share my thoughts with you on the following:
1. Profitable
In terms of profitability, this could be very different with different people. It all comes to each individual's expectation. Some say that a 5% monthly profit is good enough. Some expect a 50% monthly profit. Some would even say that they want an EA that is able to double their account balance within one or two months. Therefore, it is very hard to to say any EA is "profitable" unless you know exactly what kind of percentage of profit that you are talking about. Would 5% monthly profit considered to be good for you? Or would you expect a much higher profit, know what you really want then you would know what suit you the best. Some EA are able to generate a much higher return but usually that would mean a higher risk that you would get with those EA. In short, more profits means that more risks. Simple as that. There is a big problem that I believe many traders would possibly have and that is, a "Get Rich Quick" mindset. Sometimes to be "Profitable" also possibly means to "get rich quick" within a short period of time. Therefore many traders (especially those who are less experienced) would try to find an EA that is able to generate a huge profit within a very short period of time. In my experience, some EA were able to double your account balance in just one day! (no joke). That's the good or fantastic news. Yet, the bad news is, it blew up your account the next day. Simple as that. Therefore, whenever we are thinking of being "profitable", we cannot ignore the other factor which is being "safe", or at least being as safe as we could with any EA that we use. And with that, let's proceed to the next point of my sharing as follow.
2. Safety
Many traders focused too much on being "Profitable" or "Profits" rather than "Safety". The fact of the matter is, if you cannot maintain your safety, it doesn't matter if you won one million dollars yesterday with your EA, you could easily "LOSE IT ALL" within just one day or the next day or any moment in future. That is what happened with many traders (including myself) in the past. And therefore, before you talk about any good profits, first you need to focus on safety. How to keep yourself safe or safer in trading? The answer is simple and that is, you need to know how to "Manage Your Risks". That has been my top priority now whenever I encounter with any EA that I've come across with.
The next question is, which EA is the safest or safe?
My answer: Sorry to tell you this but I honestly don't think there is any EA that is 100% safe. None except God who is 100% fully trusted in my opinion, understanding and personal belief. (No offense)
Some EA are scam or bad EA in which they either perform badly or very inconsistently. Some perform extremely well in backtests but not so in real life trading situations. Some perform well in demo accounts but not live accounts. Some perform quite well for one whole month but blew up accounts the following month. Well, what else can I say? Welcome to the real world full of scams, lies and deceptions.
Having said so, still I believe that there are also some EA which are capable of consistently performing steadily over a longer period of time. These are EA that perhaps worth to take a look at. The problem or challenge with these EA are, what are the settings that would work well for you and how can you manage to limit your risks properly so that you could possibly better securing your profits in the long run? I think that would be a very good question for you and all of us to ask ourselves whenever we are dealing with any EA. Simple as that.
Last but not least, is there any EA that you've come across that you think is a good EA?
Answer: I can't say for sure that any EA would be good for sure and 100% good in the long run. However, here are a few EA that I think could be worth to take a look at:
1.) Life Changer EA
It was capable for earning a monthly profit of around 20% with a low maximum drawdown of less than 20% or so after testing of about 2 months.
(Note: you may use the search bar of this forum website to search for "Life Changer EA" and I'm sure you would be able to find this EA without much problem, just make sure to read as much info as you can with the commens shared so you would get a better understanding of how to use it for your tests at your own risks.)
2.) Killa Gorilla EA
I have tried and tested this EA one or two years ago and it was able to generate a daily profit of around 1% and a monthly profit of around 18-20%
(Note: you may use Google search and type "Killa Gorilla EA" and you would soon able to find the official website of this EA. It is 100% free to download and use, just that you would need to register with one of the 3 brokers that this EA recommended for you.)
Other suggestions of EA to try if you wish to: Agimat EA
To be honest, I myself have never tried this EA before, but I have heard from one trader shared his experience to me that it was capable of consistently generating a 5-15% monthly profit or so.
Okay, that's all I could say about EA robots. Hope that helps. Wish you all the best in your EA search then. Whichever EA that you use, please remember NOT just to focus on "Profit" but instead learn to focus on "Safety" or "Manage Your Risks" first. Because if you can manage your risks well, then your profits would very much be more secured in the long run. Simple as that. Take good care and may God bless you and everyone.