Prop Firms
Introducing GOATFUNDEDTRADER: Unleash Your Trading Potential!
Attention, Traders!
We proudly present to you a reputable Prop Firm GOATFUNDEDTRADER. Prepare to embark on a trading journey like no other, guided by the expertise of Edoardo Dalla Torre (CEO). With an impressive nine years of experience in trading and business, he is here to lead you to new heights of success.
Why GOATFUNDEDTRADER, you ask? Because we've left no stone unturned in our due diligence, ensuring that this firm is the real deal. Based in the breathtaking Canary Islands of Spain, GOATFUNDEDTRADER offer an unparalleled maximum allocation of up to 800K for your trading ventures.
Let's delve into the exciting phases that await you:
PHASE 1: Ignite Your Trading Journey!
Profit Target: 8%
No Maximum Trading Days
Leverage: 1:100
No Minimum Trading Days
Copy Trading allowed
News Trading allowed
EAs allowed
Weekend Holding allowed
Free Retry: Yes
Auto Close when you reach profit target
PHASE II: Elevate Your Trading Skills!
Profit Target: 5%
No Maximum Trading Days
Leverage: 1:100
No Minimum Trading Days
Copy Trading allowed
News Trading allowed
EAs allowed
Weekend Holding allowed
Free Retry: No
Auto Close when you reach profit target
FUNDED ACCOUNT: Unleash Your Trading Potential!
Profit Target: It's time to unlock your true potential!
Upto 95% Profit Split
Leverage: 1:100
EAs allowed
Weekend Holding allowed
Maximum Loss: 10% Of Initial Balance
Copy Trading: Yes
100% Refundable registration fee
But wait, there's more With GOATFUNDEDTRADER:
Maximum Allocation: An impressive 800K!
Choice of MT4 and MT5 Platform
Offers 15k, 25k, 50k, 100k and 200k accounts
Instruments: Forex, CFD, Indices, Crypto, Equities & Commodities
Profit Split Up To 95%.
Broker: Think Markets
Weekly Payout after 4th Payout.
Unleash the payment power of choice:
Payment Methods:
️ Credit/Debit Card
️ Crypto
️ PayPal
Withdrawal Methods:
️ Deel
️ TransferWise,
️ Crypto
️ Bank Wire
Now, let's talk about what truly matters: your payouts!
The initial payout request becomes available after a period of 30 days from your first trade on the funded account. Subsequent payouts, comprising the second, third, and fourth installments, can be requested on a bi-weekly basis (every 14 days). As you progress further, starting from the fifth payout, you will have the privilege of accessing the GOAT payouts, allowing you to request weekly payouts (every 7 days).
We wish to emphasize that all the information provided regarding this prop firm GOATFUNDEDTRADER, is presented to the best of our knowledge and integrity. We have found them to be reliable and trustworthy. Nevertheless, it is of utmost importance that you exercise due diligence and independently assess the suitability of this opportunity before making any financial decisions. Our recommendation is offered solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as financial advice.
Best Regards,
Prop Firms Reviews Team
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