City Traders Imperium CTI
CTI-funded trading platform

Challenge Withdrawals
We will process a 100% refund of your sign-up fee with your first withdrawal.
To qualify for your first withdrawal on the live-funded account, you must meet one of the following two requirements:
- Complete 10 Active Trading Days; or
- Achieve at least 10% in profit (whichever comes first).
In the case of a net profit of less than 10% on the live-funded account, the first withdrawal can be requested after 10 active trading days.
Any subsequent withdrawals can be requested during the last 5 days of each calendar month.
Please note that if your net profit is less than 10% after 10 active trading days, you do not need to wait until you hit 10% to process your first withdrawal. You will be eligible for withdrawals at any time if you have completed at least ten active trading days.
Also note that a minimum of 1% of the initial account balance is required to make a withdrawal request.
You can qualify for biweekly withdrawals once you achieve a 10% net profit on the Phase III live account.
At any time, if you reach your first 10% in profit, you must close all trades and send an email to to request a review of your live funded account and process your first profit share withdrawal.
Challenge FTP - Withdrawals
The payouts and withdrawals process for the Challenge Funded Trader Program.