Most important ingredients of a healthy economy is availability of well paid jobs
When a person is actively searching for employment but is unable to find work unemployment occurs
Unemployment is basically the percentage of people in the work force without jobs but are able and willing to work
Non-farm payroll measures employment through the number of additional non farming jobs that are added each month
An increase in unemployment signal a slowdown in the economy
As unemployment increase consumer spending falls because because jobless workers have less money to spend and those employed reduce spending
When a person is actively searching for employment but is unable to find work unemployment occurs
Unemployment is basically the percentage of people in the work force without jobs but are able and willing to work
Non-farm payroll measures employment through the number of additional non farming jobs that are added each month
An increase in unemployment signal a slowdown in the economy
As unemployment increase consumer spending falls because because jobless workers have less money to spend and those employed reduce spending