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    Profitable EA Black Diamond EA very profitable in Backtest 4.00 star(s) 9 Votes

    thanks for sharing,I will test in strategy taster 99.99%
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    Profitable EA BLACK DIAMOND EA V.4 FIXED 3.10 star(s) 18 Votes

    have anybody v 6.0 version or v5,5 unlimited,maybe any live results from my fx book or fx blue
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    Profitable EA Redeye EA 4.30 star(s) 4 Votes

    thank you for your sharing.i hope is good ea ,any live results from my fx book or fx blue
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    Profitable EA TSR 4H USD JPY 2.70 star(s) 3 Votes

    in trend is not profitable in standeard version have only 250 SL
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    Profitable EA Life Changer EA Full Version 3.10 star(s) 178 Votes

    Thanks for sharing,live results in longer period,best on my fx book
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    Profitable EA Bumblebee EA - good one for 2019?

    martingale---show live results on my fx book,or fx blue,prefer my fx book
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    New EA New HFT EA in MT4 and MT5 Versions 2.70 star(s) 10 Votes

    Please share the unlimited version of this EA Thanks you for sharing, Please share your settings. and live results
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    Profitable EA New Profitable EA Forex Arbitron 3.30 star(s) 74 Votes

    Thanks for live results in Fx blue,and if you can share expert advisor
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    Profitable EA JAGUAR HEDGE V2 3.50 star(s) 2 Votes

    Thanks for sharing,have you any live myfxbook verifid results at least 1 year?
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    New EA TSR V6 2019 Edition 3.40 star(s) 73 Votes

    Thank you so much Sharon for sharing
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    Profitable EA Ubat EA V1.41 (Hedge) 2.60 star(s) 7 Votes

    thanks for sharing this ea,I will try on demo
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    What is fundamental analysis in the economy?

    well its very complicated ,master of thi analys is Warren Buffett
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    Harmonic pattern plotter

    Yes,many thanks for both ind
  14. A

    Is forex trading more profitable than stock trading?

    It depend on money managment,on forex(CFD),you can empty acc.very quick,
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