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  1. C

    A solution for log chart in MT5?

    Does anyone have an program or some way that change the chart to log scale to send me? I can´t do nothing without it in MT5. I need some help here.
  2. C

    The Fed is unlikely to cut interest rates this year

    It´s gonna cut now, i think recession is in EUA...
  3. C

    What are the golden rule of forex 5.00 star(s) 2 Votes

    Follow the trend always and do not be afraid of it.
  4. C

    Hello guys I'm new here 5.00 star(s) 2 Votes

    You got to find good mentors, good old mentors, and focus on the mindset of doing trade.
  5. C

    Does anyone have a working MT4 trading simulator?

    Don´t have it either. Did you get it? I would aprecciated.
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