Okey, i download the zip file, and I finded a ton of *.ex4 files, so I dont know were to start. Do you have a manual or something to dig in?
Thank You!
Hey mate, i just look at your stats, and you had a couple of peaks in the drawdawn reaching 100%. Did you closed all manualy or the bot did?
Wich bot are you using?
I have a roght week for this bot :cautious:
So, i will be back to the cent account.
I need a new broker to get some bonus, send me your code of reference!
i like scalping EA's, ant style bots
I am using the Roboforex "free" VPS, if you have at least 300USD in your account, it goes for free, pretty good tho.
I Share this bot, i have tested for three months with mixed results in Real acount.
this signal is in hold in order to close those operations.
Check my other signals with the same bot, diferent settings